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Online Workshops

Expert Immigration advice

That is Affordable

For communities that have a small population and community groups that cannot afford to hire staff, we have a very cost effective solution! 

Let us walk you through what immigration is, and how it can assist to grow your community’s capacity.
100th Meridian will also provide you tips & tricks on how to create and sustain a welcoming community

The following webinars are designed for municipalities, businesses, Economic Development Officers & interested community members. Community specific training can also be requested.

Want to learn more about immigration to grow your community? Is your community welcoming, not sure? These webinars are for you!

Expert Knowledge and
Professional Guidance
Learn from a highly-skilled immigration consultant to understand the various immigration pathways.

We provide the direction and guidance needed for our community, business or organization to understand settlement & Immigration

Why our Online Workshop

Is the right Choice

We assist you to build on what you already have available, and provide you support that is affordable and accessible.

The on-line workshops are an efficient and economical way to learn about immigration and settlement.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, all fees are included. The price cited is the total amount.

Yes you can. Please email immigration@100meridian.ca so we can book a date/time that works for you. Evenings and weekends on-line workshops are available at a slight additional cost.

Yes it is planned to run every month but could change based on demand.

Because these workshops are planned to run each month at this time we cannot offer recordings however if this changes we will record our sessions and notify you. Email immigration@100meridian.ca if you would like to receive a recorded session.

Yes they can be and tailored for your needs. In-person workshops are available at an additional cost.

How to use Immigration to grow your community!



per participant (includes GST)

This one & half hour session is designed specific for rural communities & their municipalities, economic development boards & businesses. This session provides an overview of immigration and how it can be used as an economic development tool to grow your local labour force and community capacity. During this session you will learn:

  1. Current immigration pathways.
  2. What essential considerations need to be though of.
  3. Who needs to be aware of these programs & why.
  4. Overview of the roles of municipality.
  5. What is the role of businesses.
  6. What diversity & inclusion look like on a community level.

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 CDT
Please note group training can be provided

Monday June 05th
Monday September 11th
Monday October 16th
Monday November 6th (10:30 CST)

How to create a welcoming Community Series!



per webinar/participant (includes GST)

These one & half hour sessions will inspire your municipality, economic development board or community group to be a welcoming community and provide tangible examples to create more a welcoming community. You can join for one or sign up for all webinars. In this series you will learn:

  1. What your community can do prior to newcomers arriving.
  2. What essential considerations need to be thought of.
  3. Tips for making your community stand out.
  4. Newcomers have arrived! Now what?
  5. Welcoming the newcomer, in-person & on-line.
  6. Tips for long-term retention.

Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 CDT
Please note group training can be provided. 

You can choose to do all workshops or just one! $59.85/webinar.  

Please email immigration@100meridian.ca to let us know which webinar you are interested in. 

June Dates
Monday June 12th   “What is a welcoming community?” 

Monday June 19th “Importance of Employment Opportunities”. 

Monday June 26th “Why housing is critical, and types of housing to consider”.                 .