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A small town meets a foreign skilled worker,

Oh, what a love story this could be!

a vibrant future for the prairies

Rural communities in Canada have experienced depopulation, lack of people to fill growing employment opportunities and to buy or start existing businesses. We have created solutions for your community & businesses!

These communities and local businesses are looking for ways to reverse this trend to help ensure a vibrant future on the Prairies.

Foreign Skilled Workers are looking for communities where they can live their Canadian dream by having
a good-paying job, a great quality of life and affordable amenities.

Is this you or your community?

Have you ever considered immigration as a strategy for community development?

Here is what immigration creates:

100th Meridian assists communities to begin with their end vision in mind. We develop a better understanding of immigration and educate community members on immigration pathways that could be beneficial to increasing community capacity.

Being a community immigration development firm, 100th Meridian Immigration works with communities to build immigration strategies or trains small to medium-sized businesses on how to successfully navigate pathways to obtain foreign workers.

On the opposite spectrum 100th Meridian gets daily hits and emails from foreign skilled workers wanting to learn more opportunities anywhere in Canada.

Prospective immigrants have no idea that the Prairies even really exist! Terrible – yes, but we are going to change all of that by working with you, our communities!

We would love to create better awareness of the Prairie communities throughout Canada and for communities to promote their community to interested foreign skilled workers.

In 2023 100th Meridian’s key initiatives are:

Community Immigration Virtual Fairs

Rural communities in Canada need to fill employment gaps, find new people to buy current businesses or start new ones, community citizens to sustain their tax base and volunteers to maintain their local recreational activities and other community events.

While at the same time professionals and skilled workers from overseas are looking for employment opportunities in communities that are welcoming, safe, affordable and have a great quality of life!

BUT here’s the problem – truly it really is…

It is impossible for a foreign worker to be aware of employment opportunities or possible business ventures if they have no idea about the prairie communities who have these prospects!

Vice versa, it is impossible for a community to become aware of foreign skilled workers who have the employment skills or entrepreneurial abilities needed to sustain the local community and support them to secure a bright future!

Now 100th Meridian does not recruit foreign workers for businesses we can however create awareness of what communities are desiring immigrants to move to their area. While at the same time show casing foreign workers who are interested and willing to move to smaller towns along the Western skies of Canada.

Leading up to the Community Virtual fair we will develop a strategic immigration plan for your community that includes ensuring your community is ready, identifying local labour needs, opportunities, housing, settlement services are ready and so much more.

100th Meridian will help you build a Community Virtual Fair to create awareness of opportunities beyond the overcrowded, unaffordable cities. People looking to immigrate to Canada or relocate have a better chance to succeed in creating their own Canadian dream in a town that is right for them.

A smalltown meets foreign skilled worker,

Oh, what a love story this could be!

The Virtual Immigration Training series

Without a solid foundation, you will have trouble creating anything of value, and immigration as a the community development tool is no exception.

These immigration webinars will be one hour in length, over zoom, and designed as a lunch & learn. The webinars set the foundation needed to understand immigration as a tool for community growth and explore relevant immigration pathways for communities and businesses to access.

Immigration 101 webinar, How to design your own settlement office webinar or have one that is designed for your community specific needs!

These immigration webinars are 60 minutes and are great for Economic Development Officers, municipal staff, business owners and any community member who will be a key player in developing an immigration strategy.

There are individual webinars, delivered live as well as recorded are available for $97.00

Immigration 101 Webinar

Consider creating your own Community Virtual Settlement Office Webinar

Economic Immigration for businesses Webinar

Or 100th Meridian can design one to suit your needs! 

If your community is serious about immigration as a development tool, this educational the nine part webinar (2023 Virtual Webinar Series) is a must! Sit back and listen to 9 hours of how businesses & communities have used immigration to develop their community capacity and skilled labour. 

Yes! We would love a complimentary discovery call & to discuss an immigration presentation!

Fill out the form below to get more details and next steps to discuss.

Our vision and value proposition

Who is 100th Meridian Immigration and what is our vision?

100th Meridian Immigration educates communities & business owners on how to access timely immigration programs that can potentially provide access to workers from abroad & build welcoming communities.

As a community economic developer, I have seen first-hand how stressful it can be for business owners to obtain skilled workers & for communities to develop immigration strategies.

Certified as a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, my primary focus is to help ease the stress of rural labour shortage and develop community capacity in rural & northern regions on the Prairies. I offer a mix of one-on-one coaching, community workshops, and online training along with appropriate resources to enhance knowledge & understanding. I give communities & businesses the specific tools they need to build community capacity to be competitive to acquire skilled workers & future community members.